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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being Resources


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The FLI Student Success Center is here to help you navigate Stanford and beyond. On this page, you can find other available resources.


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FLISSC Resources Links


What is Academic Support? Academic support often are programs and strategies utilized to increase academic achievements of students, particularly for students who may be at risk.

Academic Advising

Academic Advising provides comprehensive academic guidance across all the years of your undergraduate career. From the summer before you begin your Stanford journey through graduation, Academic Advising is here for you.

Center for Teaching and Learning

We support evidence-based and inclusive learning and teaching practices, educational programs and training, community building, and strong collaborations and partnerships with schools, departments, and other offices.All appointment tutoring, drop-in tutoring, and language conversation partner (LCP) sessions will be hosted online via Zoom.

FLI Study Nights

FLI Study Nights are back! Hosted every Monday from 8pm-10pm, stop by to meet with Math/Chem/Physics tutors and other students to study for your classes. These office hours will be held virtually until April 18th. To access the zoom link for the study nights, you must be logged into your Stanford email. 

Hume Center for Writing and Speaking

The Hume Center for Writing and Speaking works with all Stanford students to help them develop rich and varied abilities in every aspect of written and oral communication. In free individual sessions, Hume tutors help students get started on assignments, address and overcome writer's block or performance anxiety, learn strategies for revising, editing, and proofreading, and understand academic conventions in their fields.

The Centers

The Centers at Stanford are part of a tapestry that speaks into the conscience of the institution. Each Center’s work has been, and continues to be, integral to the advancement of equity at Stanford, the deepening of intellectual engagement, and the cultivation of well-being for Stanford students.

Financial Support

The FLI Student Success Center is here to support you. We recognize that financial resources are essential to many FLI students. Find more information about our eligibility criteria and the resources we offer here.

Financial Literacy

Learn about more tools and workshops offered by the FLI Student Success Center and other campus partners that will guide your journey towards financial wellness and freedom.

The Opportunity Fund

The Stanford FLI Student Success Center Opportunity Fund is designed to financially assist undergraduate students who are experiencing an unexpected financial challenge or seeking funds for an opportunity related to their academic and/or professional development. The FLI Student Success Center completes a thorough, holistic review of each application.

Summer Equity Grant

The Summer Equity Grant (SEG) provides support to students for living expenses not otherwise covered by their summer opportunity. Students interested in receiving funding from the Summer Equity Grant are required to pursue public service, internship, fellowship, or research opportunity (excluding thesis research) during the summer. 


The FLI Student Success Center has reopened the FLIibrary (FLI Library) to support FLI students with donated textbooks required for classes. These textbooks are at no charge to FLI students and can be used the whole quarter. If you are in need of a textbook and are a FLI student, please stop by the FLI Student Success Center on the 2nd floor of Old Union to see if we have your textbook in our FLIbrary before purchasing one on your own.

How to Check Out a Book

  1. Check here for your book.
  • Head to the FLISSC and find your book on the various bookshelves around the Office
    • Don't forget to check Esme's office for hardcover textbooks.
  • Scan the QR Code on any of the bookshelves to check out the book.
    • If your name isn't on the patron list to check out books, please ask one of the student staff to add you.
  • Enjoy your reading and don't forget to grab a snack before heading out the office :)

Food Security Resources

Nutrition security is defined by the USDA as "having consistent access, availability, and affordability of foods and beverages that promote well-being and prevent (and if needed, treat) disease, particularly among racial/ethnic minority populations, lower incomes populations, and rural and remote populations". Food and nutrition insecurity has significant impacts on mental, physical and social wellbeing and educational attainment. As a FLI student at Stanford, eating well can often be tied to income and thus it can be challenging to find affordable meals.

Mental Health and Well-Being Resources

FLI students continue to prove themselves as compassionate and resilient scholars but at the same time, there are resources to support the wellbeing of both graduate and FLI students at Stanford. Please take whatever steps you need to stay healthy, safe, and connected to each other.

Detail of an abstract painting.