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FLInancial Literacy

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Financial literacy is something that some low-income folks struggle with achieving because they don't always have access to the knowledge and tools to be financially well. The FLI Student Success Center wants to ensure that low-income students here are Stanford get access to the resources necessary as they navigate a path toward financial freedom. Below, learn how to understand your financial aid award notification, access the Mind Over Money program, and review information provided at previous FLInancial Literacy events.

Photo of Admission and Financial Aid sign on campus

Financial Aid Award Notification

Click below to learn how to view your financial aid award notification in Axess.

Mind Over Money

Mind over Money aims to serve as a campus-wide resource to equip students with a foundation to make informed financial decisions during their time at Stanford and in their careers and lives after the Farm.

Student workers, Joseph and Tony, posing in front of slide deck

Navigating Stanford on a Budget

A couple of our student workers here in the FLI Student Success Center curated and presented on how to navigate Stanford financially and showcased many underutilized resources to help students save money. Below are the slides from the presentation for you to reference.

Student Taxes 101

In partnership with Mind Over Money and the Student Services Center, we hosted a crash course on the 1098-T and several tax basics. FLI undergraduate and graduate students, Jack Mao and Marcus Forst, shared their experiences filing taxes and some important tax information to keep in mind as you prepare to file. Below is the recording of the presentation for you to reference.

[Alt text: Negotiation: Strategies for Success]

FLI Salary Negotiation Workshop - Negotiation: Strategies for Success

We hosted a salary negotiation workshop in collaboration with the First Generation and/or Low-Income Partnership (FLIP) and CareerEd offering tips, strategies, and things to think about as it relates to compensation. Please take a look at the Negotiation Worksheet as you reflect after watching the video, if you want to practice a scenario with a partner, or as you prepare to make an appointment with the CareerEd BACE team. We encourage you to make appointments with Jenny, Miguel, or Jazmin!