Mental Health and Well-Being Resources
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FLI students continue to prove themselves as compassionate and resilient scholars but at the same time, there are resources to support the wellbeing of both graduate and FLI students at Stanford. Please take whatever steps you need to stay healthy, safe, and connected to each other.

Mental Health and Well-Being Resources Links
Below are some of the resources available for FLI graduate students.
- Well-being Coaches & CAPS Liaison: Work with a supportive partner to design your own vision for well-being and move through uncertainty with a trusted guide.
- FLISSC Wellbeing Coach: The FLISSC now has a wellbeing coach that is dedicated to supporting students at Stanford in the context of the FLI identity. Schedule a session.
- FLISSC CAPS Liaison: A Staff Therapist from CAPS is now a liaison to the FLISSC. Virtual community drop in spaces are offered twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays as part of CAPS Let’s Talk series.
- Well-being Courses for FLI BIPOC Students
- WELLNESS 141: Flourishing While BIPOC: Reclaiming our Ways of Wellness
- AFRICAAM 164A: Race and Performance (CSRE 164A, CSRE 364A, TAPS 164)
- CSRE 164A: Race and Performance (AFRICAAM 164A, CSRE 364A, TAPS 164)
- CSRE 364A: Race and Performance (AFRICAAM 164A, CSRE 164A, TAPS 164)
- TAPS 164: Race and Performance (AFRICAAM 164A, CSRE 164A, CSRE 364A)
- Professional Counseling
- New TimelyCare option for students: TimelyCare is offered as a supplement to the extensive existing in-person and virtual services offered by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Vaden Medical Services, and other Vaden and on-campus resources. This no cost service offers enrolled students residing in the United States virtual medical and mental health care 24/7, 365 days/year and up to 12 scheduled mental health therapy sessions per academic year. Explore TimelyCare FAQs to learn more
- Group Counseling
- There are CAPS groups specifically for graduate students that provide a facilitated space with community that validates your challenges and experiences, and is a way to understand yourself better, get relief from painful feelings, and learn new skills to live according to your values. These groups include Black Graduate Students and FLI support spaces
- Peer to Peer Counseling
- Caregiver Resources