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Here are some campus partners with programs that could be supported with a Summer Equity Grant if they're unable to provide the funding needed to meet your living expenses for the duration of the program.

Campus Partner Details

Bing Overseas Studies Programs

Quarter Away With Stanford

  • Description of Opportunity: Quarter-Length Programs in Cape Town, South Africa and Santiago, Chile
  • Deadline: Applications due at the end of the 3rd week of Winter Quarter. Please keep this in mind for Summer 2024.
  • Fund amount: Standard Financial Aid Package - May cover cost of program including tuition and Overseas Fee (includes housing and meals). Travel grants are available for students who have not already used their travel grant for a program prior to the summer program.
  • Website Links: Cape Town Program InformationSantiago Program InformationBOSP Financing Study Away
  • Contact Person and/or Email: For questions about the programs, please contact this email.
  • For Questions About Funding: Please contact this email. 

Career Education

CareerEd Fellows

  • Description of Opportunity: CareerEd Fellows (formerly known as BEAM Fellows) is a program that provides funding for Stanford students who are participating in qualifying unpaid internships, externships, or short-term projects during Winter, Spring, or Summer quarters. These opportunities are great ways to apply what you are learning in class to real-world environments while exploring different industries and roles, learning new skills, and making professional connections.
  • Deadline: April 16, 2023
  • Fund amount: Up to $6,500 plus potential cost-of-living stipend dependent on location
  • Any specific eligibility criteria that need to be highlighted: Students with demonstrated financial need will receive priority.  Please check the website for all student and opportunity eligibility criteria. 
  • Contact Person and/or Email: Please contact this email. 

Financial Aid

Summer Work Study

  • Description of Opportunity: Summer work-study may be available to eligible students if there's a department on campus you plan to work for and are interested in staying on-campus for the summer. Some departments/office may allow for fully remote work, but you will need to check with the department or reference the job posting on Handshake. Please be sure to complete the summer work-study application and consult the office of job interest. It should be noted that students who are not eligible for work-study during the academic year may actually be eligible for work-study during the summer.
  • Deadline: While there isn't a deadline listed for Summer Work Study through the Financial Aid Office, it is best to get those details worked out and approved well in advance of the end of Spring Quarter.
  • Fund amount: Up to $8,500 in federal funds, depending on their work schedule and agreement with the department.
  • Contact Person and/or Email:

Haas Center for Public Service

Community Service Work Study (CSWS)

  • Description of Opportunity: The Community Service Work-Study Program provides academic year and summer employment opportunities for currently enrolled students who receive financial aid at Stanford. It allows them to combine the financial need to work with the personal goal of helping the community and gaining valuable career experience and skills.
  • Eligible students have the freedom to design a service experience in collaboration with a partnering organization. Placements during the academic year are on campus or in the local community. Summer placements can be at qualified organizations anywhere in the United States. Placements include: Non-profits organizations, Native AmericanTribal groups, Government agencies.
  • Deadline: Early deadline is Friday, February 10, 2023 AND final deadline is Friday, April 8, 2023 
  • Fund amount: $21/hr up to $8,500 per quarter
  • Any specific eligibility criteria that need to be highlighted: Currently enrolled undergraduate students who have a financial aid package may qualify for CSWS, with the following exceptions:
    • International students are not eligible.
    • Seniors who are graduating from Stanford are not eligible the summer after their senior year.
  • Contact Person and/or Email:

Cardinal Quarter

  • Description of Opportunity: Cardinal Quarter is a full-time, public service experience designed to integrate your academic learning with field-based experience. Dedicate a summer or a quarter to addressing an issue you care about with a partner organization. Over 500 opportunities are offered each year through more than 30 campus partners involved in the Cardinal Quarter initiative. Cardinal Quarter participants become a part of the broader public service community at Stanford. Engage in preparatory programs, cohort activities, faculty advising sessions, and reflection activities designed to prepare you for your role and help you get the most out of your service experience. You will also receive a stipend to support travel and living costs.
  • Deadline: Round 2 applications are available for certain programs and are due April 11. Please check to see if the program you are interested in is accepting applications in Round 2.
  • Fund amount: $6,500 is the base stipend. If a student receives financial aid and lives in a high-cost city, additional funding might be available.
  • Contact Person and/or Email:

Stanford School of Medicine

Medical Humanities Summer Program Assistants

  • Description of Opportunity: Stanford Medical Humanities Summer Programs is looking for two (2) students with strong organizational, administrative, and interpersonal skills with an interest in medical humanities, but no prior medical humanities experience is required. The program assistants will work closely with core faculty to assure the courses run smoothly to maximize learning. This is a great opportunity to learn how to run and design a course, including organizing course material, teaching, and having fun and meaningful interactions with students.
  • Deadline: All spots have been filled for 2022-23.
  • Fund amount: Up to $8,500 in federal funds, depending on their work schedule and agreement with the department.
  • Any specific eligibility criteria that need to be highlighted: Must be able to qualify for Federal Work Study over the summer.
  • Contact Person and/or Email: For questions about the programs, please contact Christy Hartman.

Stanford Summer Session

Summer Session Resident Assistant

  • Description of Opportunity: Stanford Summer Session residential staff puts on social, academic, and co-curricular programming to support student and community development in the residence. Resident Assistants (SRAs) will be responsible for serving in a daily on-call rotation, weekly staff meetings, 1:1s with their supervisor, and weekly house meetings in many dorms. SRAs will staff program-wide activities and some off-campus excursions. SRAs in the high school program will rotate through curfew check responsibilities at the end of the day and SRAs working with visiting university students will spend time helping them navigate Stanford.
  • Deadline: Monday, March 20, 2023, but will continue to accept applications on a rolling basis if spots remain 
  • Fund amount: Housing, dining plan, and summer fees will be covered on top of an hourly rate of $18/hr for around 20 hours per week.
  • Any specific eligibility criteria that need to be highlighted: Must be a matriculated Stanford student (Frosh through co-terms). Current first year students are only eligible to work as an SRA in the High School Level. All Stanford Summer Session staff must be eligible to work in the United States from the first day of required training to the last day of the program(s) for which you are hired. If you are an international student, please contact Bechtel to confirm your employment authorization status.
  • Contact Person and/or Email: Mary Esther Schnaubelt ( OR Joshua Shannon (

Undergraduate Education

Stanford Summer Fellows Program

  • Description of Opportunity: Stanford Summer Fellows brings first-generation, low-income students together on campus during the summer between their first and second year at Stanford. During the eight-week program, each fellow will be matched with a half-time research experience for four weeks, and a half-time internship for four weeks. Fellows will also take a course of their choosing for credit and explore community building events and activities focused on well-being. SSFP will provide full financial support for all participants to enable them to fully engage in the learning opportunity, with summer tuition to cover one course (up to 5 units), on-campus room and board for duration of the program, and programming costs covered by the program
  • Deadline: Monday, March 20, 2023, but will continue to accept applications on a rolling basis if spots remain 
  • Fund amount: $3,000 stipend, plus summer tuition to cover one course (up to 5 units), on-campus room and board for duration of the program, and programming costs
  • Any specific eligibility criteria that need to be highlighted: Only current Frosh and first-year transfers are eligible. International and undocumented students are also eligible!
  • Contact Person and/or Email:

Undergraduate Research and Independent Projects

Department Grants

  • Description of Opportunity: Over 50 departments and programs from across a range of disciplines offer funded summer research opportunities for undergraduates. Programs run for a set 10 week period.
  • Deadline: varies by program, range from mid-December to mid-April, with many deadlines in January.
  • Fund amount: $7,500 + up to $1,500, based on financial need
  • Any specific eligibility criteria that need to be highlighted: varies based on program; departments often have opportunities for both novice and experienced researchers
  • Contact Person and/or Email: see linked page for contacts by department

Major Grant

  • Description of Opportunity: Major grants support student-driven, full-time immersive projects supported by a faculty mentor, with priority given to Juniors. Projects are executed over 10 weeks in the summer.
  • Deadline: Friday, March 3, 2023, 11:59pm PST
  • Fund amount: $7,500 + up to $1,500, based on financial need
  • Any specific eligibility criteria that need to be highlighted: The Major Grant requires an extensive proposal (~2500 words) and endorsement via a letter from a faculty mentor. Full eligibility requirements for student grants can be found here.
  • Contact Person and/or Email: All of the UADs are well-versed in our student grants, and you can also meet with Jen at the FLI Office Advising Drop-Ins every Tuesday or by email at

Questions about the Summer Equity Grant (SEG)? Please contact us.