THRIVE Enrichment Pre-Orientation Program
The Transitional Holistic Readiness Initiative for Vibrant Education (THRIVE) Enrichment Program is a pre-orientation program that is part of a Leveling the Learning Landscape (L3) initiative and fostered through a partnership between the First Generation and/or Low-Income (FLI) Student Success Center (FLISSC) and the office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE). THRIVE seeks to help first generation and/low-income (FLI) students adjust to Stanford University. The program brings students to campus prior to New Student Orientation (NSO) for a residential experience to converge with crucial resources. THRIVE gives students an opportunity to engage with the “hidden curriculum” that their non-FLI peers have been acquainted with through generational educational pathways in an intimate and informal environment. Furthermore, THRIVE’s mission is to help students build community through engaging with each other in tough conversations, as well as activities that will help them bond and develop lifelong friendships.
Can't wait to welcome our incoming Thrivers next week! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Welcome to Stanford!
Apply for THRIVE
Other Stanford Summer Bridge Programs
About SSEA
The Stanford Summer Engineering Academy (SSEA) is a fully funded, four-week summer program that welcomes a cohort of incoming first-year students to campus every August for a dynamic academic and residential experience. Through labs, lectures, and excursions on and off campus, students are well equipped to take on their freshman year.